Moorends 12 : Nottingham Outlaws 12

Nottingham Outlaws used the gap in this week’s Premier League fixture list to send an experimental side up to Moorends for a friendly hit-out against the Doncaster outfit. In an entertaining yet low-scoring affair the lead changed hands three times before the sides settled for a 12-12 draw.

The Outlaws coaching team used the game to rest key players and try some new combinations in a side that contained three players on first team debut with a further five players drafted into the side that played Sherwood the week before

The Outlaws started the first half well, moving the ball across the pitch in assured fashion so it came as no surprise when Harry Hemmingway scooted over for the opening score despite some heavy traffic close to the line.

After some good early work the Outlaws found themselves starved of possession and the home side began to turn the screw, pouncing on a series of mistakes to score two unanswered try’s to edge out to an 8-4 lead.

With the clock ticking down the Outlaws just had enough time to launch one last attack down the right-hand side and Jimmy Goodwin was on hand to crash over following a powerful surge to the try line. 

The scores were now locked at 8-8 as the referee brought the first stanza to a close.

The second half started with neither side being able to capitalise on some good field position and defences definitely on top as neither side looked like scoring.

With 65 minutes played the Outlaws finally broke the deadlock when Harry Hemmingway, having a great game on the left wing  once again wriggled over in heavy traffic to nudge the Outlaws back into the lead at 12-18.

It looked like the Outlaws might hang on for a win but a lost ball in the dying minutes compounded by back-to-back penalties allowed Moorends one last chance and they crept over in the corner to level up the scores at 12-12 as the referee brought the game to a close.

After the game there were several players in with a shout for the man of the match award. Jacob Butler had an excellent game  on attack and especially defence with an industrious afternoon at the office but in the end the bubbly was shared by tackling machine Ali Waring and try scoring hero Harry Hemmingway.

Next week the Outlaws return to Premier League duty with a must-win against arch rivals Coventry Bears at Lenton Lane on Saturday (2.30pm)